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‘Further to any part-time jobs, by the age of 16, every pupil should have at least one experience of a workplace.

By the age of 18, every pupil should have one further such experience’

The Gatsby Benchmarks – Jan 2018


‘Half of young people in state schools do not have access to work experience, yet this is used a third of the time to assess applications to universities.’

Speakers for Schools – “Double Disadvantage: Does the Decline in Quality Work Experience Impact State School Students’ Access to Russell Group Universities?” – Apr 2024 

Each year we work with our extensive network of employers to source both pre- and post-16 work experience placements for nearly 1800 students from schools and colleges across North Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxford and Swindon.

We take great pride in tailoring placements to individual students via our fully-managed service, which includes school visits, application forms, student interviews and pre-placement checks.

Benefits for young people:

  • Helps young people to become truly career ready and build the knowledge and skills that employers demand and value
  • Gives young people an insight into working life and awareness of a work environment
  • Improves awareness of the career options available to them, enabling them to make more informed choices about which post-16 pathway to follow
  • Increases motivation to study harder as students believe in themselves more and see the relevance of education to the world beyond the classroom
  • Improves communication, organisation and social skills
  • Helps young people to make up for lost time following the pandemic

We make the process as simple as possible for the school/college and students. We agree work experience dates and a project plan with the school/college.

We brief students on the process and help prepare them for their placement. Each student completes an application form and our team uses the information provided (and follow up interviews if required) to help inform the type of placement we source for each individual. Students are then matched as closely as possible to a placement. We provide each student with a bespoke placement description (compiled in partnership with the employer).

When placements are complete, we meet with the school to discuss the process, placements, evaluation data, gain feedback and celebrate successes.


Take a look at our Work Experience Portfolio, which provides details of our full offer to schools.

In November 2023, a cohort of students from Mary Hare School in Newbury came away from their work experience placements with one apprenticeship and two job offers! One of the Mary Hare School students describes her successful work experience week in this blog.

I had the opportunity to shadow industry experts in video production and editing at the Vodafone studio. I learnt how to use different software that i’ve never used before when editing a short film/video as well as understanding how to operate a 4k camera. I learnt loads in such a short period of time.” Louis, Vodafone HQ placement.

I was given the opportunity to learn about the importance of a business maintaining an effective and efficient system. I felt that it’s benefited me greatly in my career path decision making.” Oliver, Mercedes-Benz placement

Contact us

Contact our Work Experience Team, for a chat about the support and services we can provide to your school/college and your students.
Phone: 01635 279246 or email us

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