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We link all of our initiatives to school/college objectives, providing valuable evidence for Ofsted.

Click here to see how our programmes and initiatives meet The Gatsby Benchmarks.

Our services can be commissioned in two main ways:

1) Membership

Our members benefit from the programmes and initiatives we provide as a result of the corporate funding we generate. We secure in excess of £200,000 of funding each year, plus develop and maintain working partnerships with over 3,000 business professionals to support work-related skills development in young people. Further member benefits include:

  • Discounted rates
  • Access to sponsored activities
  • Priority booking
  • Three business speakers a year
  • A consultation with our senior staff when mapping work-related learning
  • Evaluation reports for individual programmes
  • A full end of year evaluation report and member benefit statement (useful for reporting to Ofsted and Senior Leaders/ Governors)

Membership costs are dependent upon the size of the school or college, please get in touch for more information.

2) Non-members

Many of our programmes and services are also available to non-members. Please contact us if you would like to find out more about how we could support your school/college.

“The Spotlight on Careers programme of activity has meant that our students have had in-depth hands-on experiences with business professionals that would have been unthinkable without the co-operation and co-ordination of EBP and the other schools involved in the programme. We’ve never done anything like this before in this area, and it’s really raised our game in offering careers advice to our students in a cost effective way.”

Careers Lead, St Bartholomew’s School

Contact us

Please contact Lesley Stewart, to discuss how an EBP membership package could benefit your students:

Phone: 01635 279206 or email us

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