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Are Young People Financially Aware?

Are young people financially aware?

Here at EBP we have strong views on the importance of young people gaining an understanding of the cost of living and the difficulties they face in a world where budgets are squeezed and living costs are increasing.

We need your help…our financial awareness programme is one of our most successful and impactful programmes but we need businesses, like yours, to fund the programme to enable us to deliver it!

For as little as £1,500 your business could fund a whole school year group (approximately 200 students), teaching them about the cost of living and raising their career aspirations whilst we do so.

The benefits to your business are priceless. If you work in the financial sector and feel your business could contribute or even better get involved and volunteer at some of the workshops, please get in touch with us today.

P. 01635 279277


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