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Wellbeing Warriors

By taking part in this 6 week course, children will be given the tools to manage their own wellbeing in order to lead happier and mentally healthier lives.

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on children’s mental health. We believe we can help. We know the phenomenal impact the arts can have on children’s confidence, sense of self and creativity and how the arts can be used as a tool for developing the 5 ways to wellbeing; making connections, being active, taking notice, learning and giving. All our sessions are facilitated by experienced professional theatre and education practitioners.

The project consists of 6 x 60 min sessions covering exercise and nutrition, stress containers and self-care, bullying and healthy relationships, growth mindset and yoga / meditation.

Students will learn how to take care of their own physical, mental and emotional, social, educational and holistic wellbeing through drama, games art and play.


  • Help children to understand what wellbeing is and what it means/looks like for them
  • Empower and motivate children to look after their own wellbeing
  • Build children’s confidence and resilience
  • Develop children’s creativity
  • Support PSHE curriculums
  • Build teacher confidence in what good mental health looks like in their class

Led by Corn Exchange Newbury and EBP and funded by Berkshire Community Foundation.


It has been lovely seeing all the children grow in school following wellbeing given in a group 

Teacher, Falkand Primary School


I have learnt how to breath and take a moment before dealing with problems

Student, Spurcroft Primary School

Contact us

To find out more about how your business could support a similar challenge or to arrange sessions for students at your school, please contact Lesley Stewart

Phone: 01635 279217  or email us

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